Our specialties.
Our medical team is made up of experienced practitioners who are all experts in their specialty.
Cap Horn Santé has also forged solid partnerships with reputable structures in their fields, such asIPCC(cardiology),The laboratory(biology) or IGP (medical imaging).
Sector 1
Gynecology - General Medicine - Pediatrics - Neurology - Dermatology
This service account 6 general practitionersas well as15 medical specialists grouping together all of Cape Horn's medical and surgical services. These practitioners have the ability to communicate with each other as well as with other departments (emergency department, radiology, biology) using a shared folder.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Phone :01 84 74 11 47
Cap Horn Champs-sur-Marne - Contact
Téléphone : 01 84 74 76 45

Implantology - Oral surgery - Pedodontics - Prosthetics - Aesthetics...

Doctor Beruben of the Dental Clinic ofCape Horn specializes inimplantology, oral surgery et pedodontics. He practices modern dentistry, focused on the quality of care and the prevention of pain. In this sense, a dental emergency service is provided all day and without appointment.
The entire practice of dentistry is offered to patients:
Care: caries, endodontics, prevention and prophylaxis
Prosthesis: dental and implant crowns, bridges.
Surgery: extractions of wisdom teeth, implants, bone grafts.
Aesthetics: veneers, bleaching
The Dental Clinic practices third-party payment for social security and mutuals.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Cap Horn Champs-sur-Marne - Contact
Téléphone : 01 84 74 74 22
Email : dentaire.csm@gmail.com
Sector 2
Functional treatments - Orthodontic therapies

The team oforthodontic centeraccompanies you for all your treatments children, adolescents, adults. For kidsfunctional treatments will be proposed. These are devices intended to restore functions (phonation, swallowing, ventilation). For teenagers and adults, orthodontic treatment will be proposed.
All treatments are performed with equipmenthigh technology.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Phone :01 47 00 02 21
Sector 2
Scanner - MRI -Eultrasound - Bone densitometry - Mammography - Cone beam - X-ray
The medical team is made up of6 organ specialist radiologists(former heads of clinics at Paris hospitals).
All diagnostic examinations are carried out in our center. We also perform biopsies, infiltrations and other interventional procedures.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Phone :01 88 59 08 57

Sector 1
Unscheduled care (without an appointment)

In coordination withgeneral practitionersAndthe specialistsof the structure we offer care of great professionalism and great technicality for all medical requests that cannot wait several days.Suture, cast, burns, as well asrapid biological assessmentswill be possible in this service for allchildren and adults from the age of 1 year.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Phone :01 84 74 11 41
Email: snpcaphorn@gmail.com
Cap Horn Champs-sur-Marne - Contact
Téléphone : 01 84 74 76 47
Email : snpcsm.caphorn@gmail.com
Sector 2
Eultrasound - Stress test - Holter room ECG - MRI - Scanner

This centre, run by a team of10 cardiologists, provides ongoing care to all its patients. Cap Horn has a complete technical platform which includes:
counseling offices
cardiac ultrasound rooms
stress test rooms
a sleep pathology laboratory
a Holter ECG and blood pressure room
a service dedicated to cardiac scanners and MRIs
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Phone :01 73 19 68 00
Sector 2
Aesthetic and anti-aging medicine - Micro surgery - Grafts and implants,...

The Cape Horn aesthetic medicine service, is a member of the groupPheonix aesthetic, 1erFrench group in aesthetic medicine. The aesthetic platform consists oftreatment roomsequipped des technologies lesmore efficientof this domain.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Micro surgery
Medical otoplasty
Hair transplant & implants
Laser & electric hair removal
Injection of hyaluronic acid & botox
Mesotherapy for face, hair & body
Thread remeshing
LED treatment
Phone :01 84 74 23 23
The new Cape Horn pharmacy put everything inwork to meet your needs in terms of health, well-being, cosmetics, orthopedics and appliances.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Timetable
Monday to Saturday
8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Du lundi au vendredi
8h30 - 20h
Phone :01 49 88 17 64

Sector 2
Medical and surgical conditions of the eye
THE ophthalmologistsfrom Cape HornParis Hospital graduatesprovide consultations by appointment and on an emergency basis.
They have ahigh-performance technical platform for the diagnosis and treatment of all medical and surgical conditions.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Cap Horn Champs-sur-Marne - Contact
Téléphone : 01 84 74 74 25
Site web: seima-ophta.fr

Sector 2
Osteopathy - Physiotherapy - Podiatry - Speech therapy - Psychology - Hearing aids

The paramedical service consists of paramedical consultation boxes and a section dedicated tophysiotherapydivided into several individual treatment rooms and a technical platform (gymnasium).
In the gymnasium, all the materials necessary for rehabilitation, ensure the work of muscle strengthening, proprioception, endurance... The professionals are present to provide you with complete support and appropriate care.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Cap Horn Champs-sur-Marne - Prendre rendez-vous
Pour plus d'informations, vous trouverez les coordonnées de chaque spécialiste ci-dessous.
Sector 1
Analyzes - Samples - Research
The Cap Horn medical center laboratory is a medical biology laboratory of the groupThe laboratory,which has 16 laboratories in Paris and Île-de-France.
The laboratory welcomes its patients for routine medical analyses, such asblood, urine, stool, or bacteriological samples. The laboratory is approved by social security.
Cap Horn Montreuil - Our team
Phone :01 40 34 91 12
Cap Horn Champs-sur-Marne - Contact
Téléphone : 01 84 74 74 20
Email : contact@labocaphorn.fr